The Telex Squeeze API provides endpoints to manage opt-in notifications within Telex. This includes adding new entries to the opt-in list for receiving updates and notifications. These endpoints ensure efficient handling of user opt-ins and data integration.
Opt-in for Notifications
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Tags: Squeeze
- Summary: Add a new entry to the opt-in list for receiving updates and notifications.
Request Body
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "johndoe@example.com"
- 201: Opt-in record created successfully.
"status": "success",
"status_code": 201,
"message": "Opt-in record created successfully"
- 400: Bad Request - Invalid data.
- 401: Authentication error.
- 409: Conflict - Email already opted in.
- 500: Server error.